The ADHD Book of Lists, Second Edition


by Sandra F. Rief

Table of Contents


About the Author

About This Book

A Note from the Author


Section 1   Understanding, Diagnosing, and Treating ADHD

1.1          ADHD: Definitions and Descriptions

1.2          ADHD and the “Executive Functions”

1.3          The Official Diagnostic Criteria for ADHD (DSM-5)

1.4          What Is Currently Known and Unknown about ADHD

1.5          Signs and Symptoms of ADHD

1.6          ADHD Statistics: Prevalence and Risk Factors

1.7          Causes of ADHD

1.8          ADHD and Coexisting Disorders

1.9          ADHD Look-Alikes

1.10        Positive Traits and Strengths

1.11        Developmental Course of ADHD across the Life Span

1.12        Girls with ADHD

1.13        ADHD and Its Effects on the Family

1.14        Pursuing an Evaluation for ADHD: Tips for Parents

1.15        Diagnosing ADHD in Children and Teens

1.16        The School’s Role and Responsibilities in the Diagnosis of ADHD

1.17        If You Suspect a Student Has ADHD: Tips for Teachers and Other School Personnel

1.18        School-Based Assessment for ADHD

1.19        Multimodal Treatment for ADHD

1.20        Medication Treatment and Management

1.21        If a Child or Teen Is Taking Medication: Advice for School Staff and Parents

1.22        Behavior Therapy (Psychosocial Interventions) for Managing ADHD

1.23        Alternative and Complementary Treatments


Section 2   Minimizing and Managing Behavior Problems: Strategies, Supports, and Interventions

2.1          Proactive Classroom Management

2.2          Proactive Parenting: Positive Discipline and Behavior Management Strategies

2.3          Creating an ADHD-Friendly Environment

2.4          Tips for Giving Directions and Increasing Compliance

2.5          Target Behaviors for Students with ADHD

2.6          Preventing Behavior Problems outside of the Home

2.7          Rewards and Positive Reinforcement for Home and School

2.8          Class (Group) Behavior Management Systems

2.9          Individualized Behavior Supports and Interventions

2.10        Preventing Behavior Problems during Transitions and “Challenging Times” of the School Day

2.11        Common Triggers to Misbehavior

2.12        Strategies for Attention, Focus, and On-Task Behaviors

2.13        Strategies for Impulsive and Hyperactive Behaviors

2.14        Tough Kids: Coping and Dealing with Challenging Behaviors

2.15        Managing Student Anger, Frustration, and Poor Emotional Regulation

2.16        Managing Your Child’s Difficulty with Emotional Control

2.17        ADHD and Social Skills Interventions


Section 3   Instructional Strategies, Accommodations, and Supports

3.1          Adaptations, Accommodations, Modifications: What’s the Difference?

3.2          Getting and Focusing Students’ Attention

3.3          Maintaining Students’ Attention and Participation

3.4          Keeping Students On Task during Seatwork

3.5          Adaptations of Assignments and Materials

3.6          Testing Adaptations and Supports

3.7          Accommodating Learning Style Differences and Sensory Needs

3.8          Research-Based Instructional Approaches and Intervention Resources


Section 4   Study Skills, Organization, and Other Executive Function Strategies

4.1          Working Memory Weaknesses and Supports

4.2          Strategies to Aid Memory

4.3          Metacognitive and Other Learning Strategies

4.4          ADHD: Difficulties with Organization, Time Management, and Homework

4.5          What Parents Can Do to Help with Organization

4.6          What Teachers Can Do to Help with Organization

4.7          What Parents Can Do to Help with Time Management

4.8          What Teachers Can Do to Help with Time Management

4.9          Homework Tips for Parents

4.10        Homework Tips for Teachers


Section 5   Academic Difficulties, Strategies, and Supports in Reading, Writing, and Math

5.1          Common Reading Problems in Children and Teens with ADHD

5.2          The Reading Process: What Good Readers Do

5.3          Strategies for Building Word Recognition, Decoding, Fluency, and Vocabulary

5.4          Strategies for Reading Comprehension

5.5          Reading Tips and Strategies for Parents

5.6          Why Writing Is a Struggle

5.7          Strategies to Help with Prewriting: Planning and Organization

5.8          Strategies for Building Skills in Written Expression

5.9          Strategies for Revising and Editing

5.10        Spelling: Challenges, Strategies, and Supports

5.11        Improving Handwriting and the Legibility of Written Work

5.12        Strategies to Bypass and Accommodate Writing Difficulties

5.13        Math Difficulties Related to ADHD and Learning Disabilities

5.14        Math Strategies and Interventions


Section 6   Educational Rights and Systems of Support at School

6.1          Response to Intervention (RTI)

6.2          The Student Support Team (SST) Process

6.3          Educational Rights for Students with ADHD

6.4          Federal Law IDEA and Special Education

6.5          Section 504 Law and How It Applies to Students with ADHD

6.6          Disciplining Students with Disabilities under IDEA


Section 7   Understanding, Supporting, and Improving Outcomes for Children and Teens with ADHD

7.1          The Necessity of a Team Approach

7.2          Advocacy Tips for Parents

7.3          Parent and Teacher Communication and Relations

7.4          ADHD in Young Children (Ages Three to Five)

7.5          ADHD in Middle School and High School

7.6          ADHD Coaching

7.7          Healthy, Fun, and Therapeutic Ways to Help Manage ADHD Symptoms

7.8          What Kids with ADHD Need from Parents and Teachers

7.9          What Parents of Children with ADHD Need

7.10        ADHD and Gifted (Dual Exceptionalities)

7.11        Do’s and Don’ts for Parents and Teachers

7.12        Recommended Websites and Resources


Appendix: Charts, Forms, and Visual Prompts
