Attention & Memory Accommodations
by Sandra Rief
See Sandra’s books for much more on these topics.
- Provide preferential seating (e.g., closer to teacher, near positive role model(s).
- Stand near student when giving directions or presenting lessons.
- Reduce/minimize distractions (visual, auditory, spatial, movement).
- Provide study carrel/office area for seat work.
- Provide privacy boards/other partitions for seat work/test-taking.
- Use visual/graphic depictions of routines, procedures, steps.
- Reduce auditory distractions through use of tools (earphones).
- Reduce noise level in room.
- Reduce clutter in environment – especially in direct visual field.
- Seat away from high traffic areas, windows and doors.
- Add color to increase focus on work (e.g., colored poster board under student’s work on desk, highlighting key words).
- Use eye contact and voice modulation to maintain attention.
- Avoid interruptions in classroom routine.
- Establish a calm, predictable environment.
- Increase use of signals to increase attention to and alert students of approaching transitions, changes of routine, and so forth.
- Vary the method of lesson presentation.
- Increase use of partner/buddy throughout the day to help focus attention to task, check understanding of directions, assist with recording of assignments on assignment calendar/planner, and so forth.
- Provide tasks/tests in segments so student turns in one segment before receiving the next part.
- Label, highlight, underline, and add color to important parts of tasks.
- Provide memory aids such as number lines, pictures, tables/charts, formulas.
- Have student repeat directions, restate in his/her own words.
- Give both oral and visual instructions for assignments.
- Increase incentives (e.g., earn points/rewards) for on-task behavior.
- Use mnemonics and association strategies to aid with memory.
- Use melody and rhythm to help with memory of information.
- Significantly increase opportunities for review and practice.
©2012, Sandra Rief