Behavioral Strategies, Supports, & Accommodations
By Sandra Rief
Much more on this topic can be found in Sandra’s books, published by Jossey-Bass/Wiley: How to Reach & Teach Children with ADD/ADHD, The ADD/ADHD Book of Lists, The ADD/ADHD Checklist, and How to Reach & Teach All Children in the Inclusive Classroom.
- Establish a calm, structured, predictable environment.
- Increase the monitoring and supervision.
- Use discreet private signals with the student.
- Place student near tolerant peers/good role models.
- Increase distance between desks.
- Plan student seating (bus, classroom, cafeteria, auditorium).
- Provide student with cooling off/calming options when agitated and losing control (time and space to regroup).
- Provide student with 2-seat option (e.g., may work at either desk A or desk B) and different options for doing work in various locations/positions.
- Allow student to move to another location in room to regain control (student-initiated and teacher-initiated).
- Increase communication and collaboration efforts with parents/guardians.
- Increase phone contact, email or other communication with parents – sharing positive observations as well as concerns.
- Establish a home/school communication form or system for behavior monitoring. See examples of daily reports on this website.
- Buddy up with another teacher (e.g., time away in other classroom as possible consequence for misbehavior ).
- Identify what will be most motivating as incentives/rewards for the student (e.g., special responsibility, certain activity, something tangible like prize from class treasure chest).
- Watch for student behaving appropriately (‘catch ’em being good), and increase positive attention at those times. Praise and positively reinforce.
- Significantly increase positive attention and encouragement (providing at least 3 times more positives for every time you need to give corrective feedback to the student).
- Let student know you are interested in helping him or her. Dialogue with student about his/her needs.
- Give student choices (a or b), and involve in own problem-solving.
- Problem-solve with other school personnel about behavioral issues and how to help (e.g., counselor, school psychologist, administrators, other teachers).
- Discuss inappropriate behavior with student in private.
- Write a contract for student behavior with target goal(s) and specific reward student will earn if her or she achieves the goal(s) as per the contract.
- Use role play with student to practice appropriate behavior.
- Look for small steps to success and positively reinforce those steps.
- Increase 1:1 opportunities to meet with student, take an interest in his or her life, and build a positive relationship.
- Significantly increase positive interactions, frequency of encouragement and feedback.
- Assign a peer buddy or perhaps arrange for an older student (cross-age tutor) who will be supportive and tolerant.
- Teach, practice, and reinforce appropriate social skills, coping strategies, and problem-solving.
©2012. Sandra Rief