Best practices and powerful strategies for reaching and teaching diverse learners in today’s classrooms. Learn how to enable ALL students – including those with learning, attention, and behavioral challenges – to achieve school success.

Ideal for Professional Development!!  View hundreds of practical instructional and behavioral strategies as they are demonstrated in culturally diverse elementary and middle school classrooms across the United States. This popular video is now available in menu-driven, DVD format with added information on Response-to-Intervention (RTI) and how strategies throughout this DVD fit into the RTI intervention model.


DVD Outline and Contents

Intro and RTI – explanation of RTI, the 3-tier model of intervention, and how the numerous strategies demonstrated in this DVD can be implemented as Tier I (universal) interventions and Tier II (targeted) interventions at the pre-referral stage, or in general education classrooms with students already classified as ADHD and/or LD.

Part 1: Instructional Strategies for Engaging Attention & Active Participation
(approximately 20 minutes)

  • Engaging Students’ Attention and Interest
  • Active Learning/High Response Opportunities
  • Differentiating Instruction

Part 2: Classroom Management and Behavioral Interventions
(approximately 20 minutes)

  • Creating the Climate and Structure for Success
  • Individualized Behavioral Supports and Interventions

Part 3: Academic Strategies and Accommodations
(approximately 15 minutes)

  • Organization and Study Skills
  • Written Language

Part 4: Collaboration and Teaming for Success
(approximately 7 minutes)

  • Multidisciplinary Teams
  • Bridging Barriers
  • RTI