An Easy Reference for Parents and Teachers


Table of Contents


          Section 1: Checklists for Basic Information on ADD/ADHD


  1. What Do We Mean By ADD/ADHD?

  2. Definitions and Descriptions of ADHD

  3. What We Do and Don’t Know About ADHD

  4. Characteristics of the Predominantly Hyperactive/Impulsive Type of ADHD

  5. Characteristics of the Predominantly Inattentive Type of ADHD

  6. Probable Causes of ADHD

  7. ADHD “Look Alikes”

  8. Critical Elements for School Success

  9. Statistics to Consider Regarding Children/Adolescents with ADHD

  10. Positive Traits Often Associated with ADHD

  11. Making the Diagnosis: What Is a Comprehensive Evaluation for ADHD?

  12. What Parents Should Expect from the School in the Diagnostic Process

  13. A Comprehensive Treatment Program for ADHD

  14. Questionnaire and Rating Scales for Parents and Teachers

  15. What Does it Take to be an Effective School?

  16. Most Commonly Prescribed Medications in the Treatment of ADD/ADHD

  17. If a Child/Teen is Taking Medication

  18. What Supports Do Teachers Need?

  19. What Supports Do Parents Need?


Section 2: Checklists for Parents


  1. What Children and Teens with ADHD Need at Home

  2. Effective Behavioral Strategies for Parents

  3. Preventing Behavioral Problems in the Home

  4. Preventing Behavioral Problems Outside of the Home

  5. Dealing with Hyperactive/Impulsive Behavior at Home

  6. Positive Incentives and Reinforcers for Home

  7. What Parents Can Do to Help Their Children Get Organized

  8. Homework Tips for Parents

  9. Giving Directions  Tips for Parents

  10. Environmental Modifications that Make a Difference at Home

  11. Pursuing an Evaluation for Your Child

  12. Advocating for Your Child: Positive Strategies for Parents


Section 3: Checklists for Teachers


  1. What Do Students with ADHD Need?

  2. Effective Behavioral Strategies for Teachers

  3. Preventing Behavioral Problems in the Classroom

  4. Preventing Behavioral Problems During Those ‘Challenging Times’ of the School Day

  5. Dealing with Hyperactive/Impulsive Behaviors at School

  6. Positive Incentives and Reinforcers for School

  7. What Teachers Can Do to Help Build Organizational and Study Skills

  8. Homework Tips for Teachers

  9. Getting Students’ Attention

  10. Focusing Students’ Attention

  11. Maintaining Students’ Attention and Involvement

  12. Keeping Students On-Task During Seat Work

  13. Tips for Giving Directions in the Classroom

  14. Helping Your Inattentive, Distractible Students

  15. Environmental Modifications that Make a Difference in the Classroom

  16. If You Suspect Your Student Has ADHD

  17. Typical Teacher Referral Forms

  18. A List of Don’ts for Teachers

  19. Assessment/Testing: Modifications and Adaptations

  20. Lesson Presentation: Strategies and Modifications

  21. Adaptations/Modifications of Materials


Section 4: Academic Strategies for Home and School


  1. Common Reading Difficulties of Children/Teens with ADHD

  2. Reading Strategies and Interventions for Home and School

  3. Why is Writing Such a Struggle?

  4. Strategies to Help with Pre-Writing

  5. Multisensory Spelling Activities and Choices

  6. Help with Editing Strategies and Other Tips

  7. How to Help with Handwriting, Written Organization, and Legibility

  8. Strategies for Bypassing Writing Difficulties

  9. Math Difficulties and Interventions



Section 5:  Other Important Checklists for Parents and Teachers


  1. The Necessity of a Team Approach

  2. Accommodations for Memory Difficulties

  3. Strategies for Aiding Memory Skills

  4. Building Self-Esteem

  5. Preschool / Kindergarten Issues and Strategies

  6. Adolescent Issues and Strategies

  7. Relaxation, Guided Imagery, and Visualization Techniques

  8. Social Skills Issues and Strategies

  9. The Student Study Team (SST) Process

  10. What Is an IEP?

  11. What is 504?

  12. Student Learning Style/Interest Interview

  13. Recommended Resources and Organizations