Successful Classrooms & Schools Video Package
Sandra Rief

Purchase both of these products together for only $130!!

This package contains the two highly acclaimed companion videos filmed in an award-winning California elementary school:

Successful Classrooms – Effective Teaching Strategies for Raising Achievement in Reading and Writing

Learn powerful strategies (grades K-5) for teaching:

  • The Core Content Curriculum
  • Guided Reading
  • Phonics and Word Study
  • Read Aloud
  • Sustained Silent Reading
  • Modeled Writing
  • Guided Writing
  • Independent Work

See the book Alphabet Learning Center Activities Kit, which provides detailed information on all of the literacy strategies for kindergarten/early childhood classrooms which were demonstrated on the Successful Classrooms video.

Successful Schools: How to Raise Achievement and Support ‘At-Risk’ Students

A step-by-step blueprint for transforming schools. Packed with practical classroom and school wide strategies to:

  • Assess Student Needs
  • Reduce Discipline Problems
  • Create a Climate of Safety and Respect
  • Establish School wide Safety Nets
  • Structure an Effective Literacy Program
  • Develop Programs to Address Identified Needs
  • Utilize a Pre-SST Intervention Process
  • Reduce Referral Rate to Special Education

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Successful Classrooms & Schools Video Package
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Order Successful Classrooms & Schools Video Package Purchase both of these products together @ $130.00