Organization/Study Skills Interventions
- Utilize a program that specifically instructs students in organization and study skills
- By the 3rd or 4th grade teach and require use of a binder/notebook to organize assignments.
- Require use of a backpack or book bag to carry to and from school daily.
- Teach and require use of assignment calendar or daily/weekly assignment sheet – with monitoring and expectation of daily usage.
- Model recording of assignments for each subject area.
- Teacher/aide, or student buddy to assist with recording of assignments.
- Have an end-of-day check by teacher for expected books and materials to take home.
- Provide students with handouts that are already 3-hole punched.
- Color code books, notebooks and materials to help distinguish different subject areas and make location quicker and easier.
- Place a ‘things to do’ list taped to desk.
- Arrange for easy access to supplies & materials.
- Break down long assignments into smaller increments.
- Monitor progress on long-term assignments with frequent feedback along the way.
- Limit the amount of materials/clutter on the student’s desk.
- Post a schedule of the daily activities. Use a master calendar that shows when assignments are due.
- Use a standard procedure for turning in homework and assignments.
- Use a contract for assignments that need to be completed in class or at home.
- Provide time and assistance for cleaning out/sorting students’ messy desks, backpacks, notebooks, and lockers.
- Record all assignments in a consistent place in the room (e.g., corner of the board).
- Provide models of well-organized papers, projects, science boards, etc.
- Increase rewards and incentives for being organized.
- Explicitly teach study skills (e.g., note taking, test taking strategies, RCRC (read/cover/recite/check).
- Provide direct assistance getting started on homework assignments and projects at school.