Behavioral Accommodations & Supports

  • Establish a calm, structured, predictable environment.
  • Increase the monitoring and supervision.
  • Use discreet private signals with the student.
  • Place student near tolerant peer/good role model.
  • Increase distance between desks.
  • Allow student to reverse and straddle chair (for wider base of support).
  • Plan student seating (bus, classroom, cafeteria, auditorium).
  • Provide student with cooling off options (time and space to regroup).
  • Provide student with 2-seat option (e.g., desk a or desk b) and different options for doing work in various locations/positions.
  • Define child’s work space and boundaries (e.g., colored masking tape).
  • Utilize class and/or individual behavior plans.
  • Allow student to move to another location in room to regain control (student initiated).
  • Increase communication with parent – more frequent conferences and planning meetings trying to build a partnership on behalf of student.
  • Increase phone contact with parents remembering to share positive observations as well as concerns.
  • Establish a home/school communication form or system for behavior monitoring.
  • Buddy up with another teacher (e.g., time away in other classroom).
  • Identify what will be most motivating as incentives for that student (e.g., leadership roles, responsibilities, tangible rewards, working to earn tangible or activity reinforcers individually or for the group).
  • Increase opportunity for positive reinforcement when displaying appropriate behavior and increase immediacy of reward schedule.
  • Significantly increase positive attention and encouragement.
  • Let student know you are interested in helping him/her, dialogue with student about his/her needs, encourage open communication.
  • Give student choices (a or b), and involve in own problem-solving.
  • Notify and conference with other school personnel (e.g., counselor, assistant principal, other teachers).
  • Discuss inappropriate behavior with student in private.
  • Write a contract for student behavior (e.g., goal to work on/reward).
  • Use role play with student to practice appropriate behavior.
  • Increase the immediacy of rewards.
  • Look for small steps to success and positively reinforce those steps.