Summer Tips for Helping Your Struggling/Reluctant Writer (Part 1)

July 8, 2013


 by Sandra Rief

For kids who resist writing because it is difficult for them (as is the case for many with ADHD and/or Learning Disabilities), it is not easy to motivate them to write over the summer.  During the school year much of what students write are assignments from their teachers that address various genres of writing that need to be taught (based on their grade level standards).  For example:

But, the summer is an opportunity to engage your child in writing for their own purposes and to discover that writing can be fun.   


Here are 25 ways to motivate your child to engage in writing activities during the summer months:


Scrapbooks, Journals, Albums


Write to Perform


Your child may be motivated to write something that will be performed for an audience (you and other family members/friends,  out-of-town relatives via Skype) .  Here are some possibilities:




Lists, Lists, Lists


Book Making


Persuade Me

Some More Writing Ideas


More Important Tips

3 of the best ways to encourage your child to write are:



1.   Talk, Talk, Talk –  This is a  key pre-writing step that you can take to help your child in organizing ideas and getting started  (major issues for kids with executive function weaknesses).  Talking things out first is very beneficial – with whatever they write.  Talk them through their ideas, discuss, and ask good questions (ones that probe thinking deeper about a topic and communicating clearly). 

2.  Be an Enthusiastic. Supportive Audience –  It is important to show a sincere interest in their writing.  Ask your child to read to you what they write. Be available to listen, and ask permission to read their work if they don’t want to read it aloud to you.

3.   Tap Into Their Interests – Whatever your child is curious about and wants to explore further, provide opportunities and resources  to do so.  Then, encourage your child to write down a few things  learned  that can be shared with you (e.g., steps to making a project of choice, recipe your child wants to make, a “how to” book of cool experiments or tricks, 5 interesting things about a favorite athlete or recording artist). The best way to motivate your child to write (as well as read) is to find ways to hook them in through their interests.



This blog is part 1 on this topic of some ideas to hopefully motivate your child to do some writing over the summer, and be better prepared for the coming school year’s writing demands.  See my other writing-related blogs and articles:  Summer Tips for Helping Your Struggling/Reluctant Writer (Part 2),     Why Writing is Often a Struggle for Students with ADHD and/or Learning DisabilitiesHow to Help My Child with Writing – Home Supports.   The Wonderful “Post-It Strategy” from Writing Fix.   There are hundreds of great writing ideas on my Writing Strategies & Activities Pinterest board.  My books also have many writing strategies and tips for parents and teachers of kids with ADHD and/or Learning Disabilities.







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